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Alan Newell
My name is Alan Newell, and I am an Attraction Marketing Coach in the Network Marketing industry and Entrepreneur Opportunist. My mission is to help entrepreneurs in ALL MLM COMPANIES prosper and build their business in a way that is attractive, fun, and empowering. Giving someone the skills that they need to dominate their company and FINALLY break through to the success that they’re looking for is one of my greatest passions in life. To Your MLM Prosperity, God Bless, Alan Newell Office: 704-765-1977 alan@mlmleadmonkey.com MASTER MILLIONAIRE MARKETER Do you have a special request, or do you want to speak with me directly? Fill in the form below and I will get back to you within the next 24-48 hours. Be sure to include a phone number in your message and a time that I can reach you. I will look forward to our conversation.
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Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Would You Like To Get Paid To Generate MLM Leads And Get Paid Even If People Don’t Join Your MLM Business?

I am going to instruct you how to create a "Self-Funded Proposal". Once you learn this, your MLM business will never be the same again, so READ ON!
If you have already found a way to create leads and get paid to do so, congratulations, keep going, if you have not, take the hard work out of researching and,  let me help you put this system in place so you can finally achieve the success you deserve!
This self funded proposal is how you can create MLM leads that will actually pay for themselves. Not only will these leads pay for your marketing cost but will also generate high quality prospects that you can sponsor into your primary MLM business. The leads pay for themselves because you get paid even if they don't join your MLM business!
To begin this process I strongly recommend that you begin by offering training and solutions to the problems that most all MLM network marketers encounter by offering a free email course, eBook, audio training and material of some kind. I take pride in delivering to people, how-to resources that solve their issues. This technique will attract ten times more prospects than trying to sell them your MLM biz-opp because you are leading with value and offering free help and training.
Prospects will enter their contact info to receive their free training and material. They are then directed to a sales page that promotes upgraded products for a small price. A certain number of your prospects will upgrade and you will make a commission which will fund your MLM marketing campaign!!
Now, more importantly, you are actively building a prospect list and as I am sure you know from learning about Internet marketing that "your success is in your list".
By offering a system that helps people, you will position yourself as an expert, thus already you have positioned yourself above the crowd of sales people trying to PUSH their MLM business. You help solve your prospects problems and you offer them valuable information and a solution. After offering a solution and making initial contact, you now build trust with your prospects, because you offer to help them and then follow up. When you finally present your MLM business opportunity, if they do not ask to join your team first, your conversion rate dramatically increases.
This system will explode your MLM Business! GUARANTEED!
You will actually generate MLM leads for free and have people calling you!
So you’re wondering how to set something like this up? Forget about it. It's all done for you. We've put together a system that will create your very own fully branded, customizable, self funded proposal with this automated network marketing system.
Alan Newell is an Expert OnlineMLM Business & Marketing Coach in the Network Marketing Industry. He teaches MLM business owners how to use the internet & marketing systems to generate more leads and make more money... FAST!! www.yourmlmleadpro.com
Alan Newell
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Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Monday, January 11, 2010

The True Secret to Success

Are you ready to learn the true secret to success? 
 Success in anything, that is:

business, health, relationships, education -- anything you desire?
Success can be yours. 
You can be a winner today if you will simply take the time to learn and appreciate this one critical secret. It is a secret shared by all the successful people in the world.
The secret of success is. . . . .
There is no secret!
There is no secret to success. 
The way to success is there for all to see.

It is not hidden in some obscure formula, something you can buy in a "special report" for only $49.95. Many people would like to think that such a thing exists, and many people spend lots of time and money trying to find a shortcut to success.

So many people try so hard to make it big. But making it big is very, very difficult.
It doesn't happen very often. That's why, when it happens, you hear about it. It's big news. But you don't hear about the millions of times people try to make it big and don't.

What we should be spending our time and effort doing is making it little. It's easy to do. Anyone can make a little improvement in what they are doing. And if you put your efforts into consistent, little improvements, soon they will add up and you will indeed have made it big.
Try to make it big and you will spin your wheels; try to make little improvements and you will soon make it big.

Let's say you make your goal to improve your performance by 1% each day. That's easy, isn't it. If you spent an hour and a half on the phone today, calling people about your opportunity, then spend an hour and 31 minutes tomorrow. If you sent out 250 mailings last week, send out 253 this week. If you made $100 today, aim for $101 tomorrow. That's just one dollar more -- what could be so hard about that? Go yourself one better -- one percent better, that is. The secret is being dedicated and consistent about it. Soon, your efforts will compound as you begin improving on the improvements.

If you try to earn 1% more each day, in just a little more than two months you will have doubled your income. And it just gets better and better as time goes on.
In six months, you will have increased your income 600%. In a year, if you were originally making $100 a day, you will be making more than $1.3 million a year simply by improving yourself by 1% per day. Let's carry this to the extreme and say you were actually able to continue to improve your income, just 1% per day, for a second year. At the end of the second year your income would be more than $52 million a year!

Maybe that's realistic, maybe it's not. There are people who earn that kind of money. Did they just get lucky? I don't think so.
They got there by constant improvement, by refusing to accept things as they are, by dedicated and consistent effort.
But the point isn't whether or not you can earn $52 million a year. (And by the way, if you truly believe you can, you can.) The point is this. If you commit to continuous growth and improvement, if you implement a long-term, focused strategy, you will succeed in doing whatever it is you set about to accomplish.

Alan Newell.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Alan Newell.

Attraction Success Marketing Coach

Hi Everyone,

My name is Alan Newell, and I am an Attraction Marketing Coach in the Network Marketing industry and Entrepreneur Opportunist. I grew up in Clemons, NC and have moved all about the South over the years. I attended Davidson College while working part time and graduated with a Degree in Business. Fresh out of College I worked in the Restaurant Business working my way up the ladder to become a Manager for a Multi-chain Business including, Pizza Hut, Taco Bell, Lonestar and Sonic to name a few. Eventually I learned the secrets of being successful in sales and started outperforming 95% of the sales population in every company I ever worked for, eventually reaching Regional Vice President. After 18 long years, working and traveling more than one should, my Daughter finally said to me "Daddy, it's time to come home". I had missed watching and being involved in some of the best years of my children's lives, that's when i realized that I didn't own the business, the business owned me!

I eventually made my way to the MLM, or Network Marketing industry where I initially built an organization doing more than $100,000 per month in global sales in less than six month – selling YTB Travel and Nutrition For Life.

After working on that business for 2 years, I decided that it was not the right long term fit for me, and I decided to take the skills that I had learned and build another MLM empire using Attraction Marketing principles that I had learned from industry Gurus like Mike Dillard, Jim Rohn, Jim Chao, Robert Kiyosaki and Mentors of the Laws of Attraction Anthony Robbins and Bob Proctor. Since that time, I have personally helped create hundreds of thousands of dollars in income, millions of dollars in sales, and I have personally aided thousands of people both on and off the internet in helping them to create marketing empires that rival some of the top producers in the history of Attraction Marketing.

My mission is to help entrepreneurs in ALL MLM COMPANIES prosper and build their business in a way that is attractive, fun, and empowering. Giving someone the skills that they need to dominate their company and FINALLY break through to the success that they’re looking for is one of my greatest passions in life.

In 2007, I felt that I had been neglecting my Faith and became more involved with my Church as Chairperson for Adult Ministries, since that time I have been traveling and enjoying my life, spending time with my family and coaching people all over the world.

Life is good, as they say, and looking to get better. In this blog, I hope to empower you to reach unlimited levels of success with your company, and to raise the bar in the world of Network Marketing all together.

To Your MLM Prosperity, God Bless,

Alan Newell
Office: 704-765-1977

PO BOX #5292
Mooresville, NC 28117

Do you have a special request, or do you want to speak with me directly? Fill in the form below and I will get back to you within the next 24-48 hours. Be sure to include a phone number in your message and a time that I can reach you. I will look forward to our conversation.
